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Miller is the brand leader in welding machinery and accessories. Their products satisfy the crucial needs for welding safety and health of the operators. It started in 1929, as an one-man operation, and nowadays is the standard for reliability, quality and responsiveness in the welding industry. Since 1979, Codinter has been a multi-country distributor for Miller products.

Miller products are built for a wide range of applications including motorsports, agriculture, marine, aviating, manufacturing, fabricating and constructing

Miller products are recognized by their great quality, reliable performance, and durability. Usually, customers who buy Miller products keep buying products of the same brand for the rest of their needs.

They sell Miller products in Ghana, Nigeria, Togo, South Africa, and other part of West Africa countries.

If you are interested in purchase Miller products, feel free to contact us.



Founded in 2001, Powerlink is committed to high quality design and production. Having 1 R&D center and 3 manufacturing plants in the world, Powerlink launches various high-quality diesel power generation products and gas cogeneration products with the exterior shape being containerized, muted, open and portable.

Powerlink also provides engineering equipments with an excellent performance, such as lighting cars, air compressors, etc. Powerlink Group has been recognized as a rapidly growing and continuously innovating power product manufacturer in the industry.

Powerlink is a leading power products supplier who focuses on designing and manufacturing diesel generator, gas generator, lighting tower, air compressor. Powerlink energy solution provides you more options. Powerlink UK factory and Powerlink China factory can provide rapid delivery for users around the world.



KOIKE – the spirit of cutting in 1918, Koike was established in Tokyo, Japan. Since then, they played a major role in the development and manufacturing of high-quality metal cutting machine tools of various types, gas apparatus, welding equipment and positioners.

Koike can rely on more than 100 years of experience in the industry and they serve many leading industrial customers which include steel service centers, shipyards, heavy equipment manufacturers, steel construction, power plants, offshore and other metal industries.

Koike is the world’s leading manufacturer of the most extensive cutting product line for oxy-fuel, plasma and laser cutting machines.

Koike combines Japanese technology and implemented knowledge with experience from their local markets and customers’ needs to provide their superior technology in handheld torches and portable cutting machines up to complex CNC controlled cutting machines.


Superior sells and rents equipment that covers a wide range of applications, with operator efficiency built into the overall design. Superior designs and manufactures equipment that is versatile, efficient, and designed with the end-user in mind.

SPR provides tools and equipment for field machining, line boring and bore welders, isolation and weld testing, pipe cutting and beveling, tensioning and bolting, and precision grinding and tooling.

If you are interested in purchase Miller products, feel free to contact us.