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We supply companies with the best quality products or items as listed below and with their original spare parts available:

Miller Ghana, is an Offshore Oil an Gas Refinery, Marine, Mining and Heavy Industrial welding Products, Suppliers and Miller Ghana.

The services we offer includes:

  • Welding Plant – Miller/ Hobart
  • HDPE Fusion Equipment
  • Air Compressors, Generators, Mobile Tower Lights; Sales, Service and Repairs
  • Electrodes & Wires / Wire Feeders
  • Gas Cutter Machines with 1800mm
  • Supply of Welders, Electricians, Painters and Mechanics on board a vessel
  • Lathe Machines
  • Workshop Tools/Equipment’s
  • Marine Crewing Management
  • Hydraulic Line Boring Machine
  • Miller welding Spare Parts Availability
  • All kinds of industrial and mining equipment’s on request
  • Welding Safety Training
  • Provide General Maintenance and Repair Works
  • Undertake Gas, Tanks, Pipe Welding and Plant Maintenance Contracts
  • Selling of welding machines spare parts

Maintenance Services

We have been providing Maintenance Services as well as Supplies to offshore Oil & Gas, Refinery and Mining companies. Miller Ghana is one of the best numerous contract workers who provide services to the Offshore Oil & Gas and the mining Companies in the country.

We have maintained a record of quality that leads the market and intend to improve and provide cost effective solutions that meet all requirements.

As the direct representative from the manufacturer, we provide the client with international expertise and after sales service coupled with maintenance.

Repair Services

We have been providing Maintenance Services as well as Supplies to offshore Oil & Gas, Refinery and Mining companies. Miller Ghana is one of the best numerous contract workers who provide repair services to the Offshore Oil & Gas and the mining Companies in the country.

We have maintained a record of quality that leads the market and intend to improve and provide cost effective solutions that meet all requirements.

As the direct representative from the manufacturer, we provide the client with international expertise and after sales service coupled with maintenance.

Training Services

Miller Ghana provides training programmes to companies who wish to get knowledge about welding, safety precautions and measures taken to be safe in operating welding machineries. We have much experience in this field of work and have competent staffs who have much experiences in this field of work. We assure you of a successful training program at your company.


Use of Our Products

Before the use of our products, we thoroughfully teach you the ways to go about the use. This makes the use of every product become easily beneficial to the client and not exposed to any injurious occurances. We are always available to assist you in your operations and maintenance of products.

Inquire More

Miller Ghana is available to respond to your inquiries about any services questions you have. Feel free to send us your questions about our services and we will kindly respond to your inquires. Thank you.

Your Inquiries about our services will be responded within the best possible time (usually within 72 hours). If not attended to, never stop sending your inquiries, we will surely attend to your question(s) from our clients.

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Machine Spare Parts